Dynamic Business – Let’s Talk: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the power to completely transform the way we do things, personally and in business. Simon Daniels, Sales Director at ipSCAPE discusses the natural fit between AI and customer service.    Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools seem like a...

Dynamic Business – Let’s talk: New Year

A New Year brings renewed energy for the upcoming year and invigorated sales opportunities. Eamon Ridgway, National Strategic Manager at ipSCAPE explains the importance of technology in driving improved sales performance.   The new year is a great time to build your...

Dynamic Business – Let’s talk: End-of-year sales

Christmas is a critical time for small businesses which can really stretch the capacity of the sales team, so it is important to have customer support technology that ensures you never miss a sale. Eamon Ridgway,  National Strategic Manager at ipSCAPE provides...

Dynamic Business – Let’s talk: Recruitment

Hiring the wrong person, at any stage of business, can be extremely detrimental and costly in a number of ways that aren’t only financial. Melissa Hyland, ipSCAPE’s HR Manager at ipSCAPE discusses the essential items businesses need when hiring people.    ...

Dynamic Business – Let’s talk: Social media

When used strategically, social media can be highly effective in building brand loyalty and driving sales. Alison Lee, Head of Marketing at ipSCAPE provides insights into the importance of understanding your audience.    Social Media is a powerful communication...

Dynamic Business – Let’s talk: Diversity

A diverse team and environment can create greater opportunities for creative thinking and fosters an overall company value of inclusion. Melissa Hyland, ipSCAPE’s HR Manager states that culture is driven from the CEO down in an organisation.    At ipSCAPE, we...